Pomology: Apples and Cider

Pomology is the study of and cultivation of fruit. Cider (sometimes called hard cider) is a fermented beverage made from apple juice. This comprehensive collection highlights the historical importance of apple (Malus xdomestic and other Malus species) and cider production around the world. Many texts contain color illustrations of rare, historic, and heirloom apple cultivars. Topics in this collection include the following:
Apple & Cider Events in 2018
Cornell University’s Albert R. Mann Library featured the exhibit "Apples to Cider: An Old Industry Takes Fresh Root" in the Mann Library Lobby through October 2018.
On June 8th, 2018, Prof. Greg Peck (Section of Horticulture, School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University) presented a lecture titled "The Modern Emergence of a Historic Drink" as part of Mann Library’s program for Cornell Reunion 2018. Video of Dr. Peck’s presentation is on YouTube.
Apples and Cider on Social Media: #CornellCider: The week of June 4th, 2018, Cornell University Library and BHL celebrated apples and cider-making on social media. Follow #CornellCider on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to join the cider fun!
Apple art: Illustration highlights from titles in this collection are viewable on the BHL Flickr page.