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This contributor has added 78 volumes from 53 titles, containing 7266 pages.
This contributor has added 0 chapters/articles/treatments.

  1. By: Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. - Saskatchewan. Dept. of Agriculture.
    Publication info: Edmonton? Alta., s.n, 1907
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  2. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Alberta Forest Service,
    Edition: Revised edition.
    Publication info: Alberta Forest Service, 1968
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  3. By: Stephen, W. J. - Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Dept. of Agriculture, Field Crops Branch, 1927
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  4. By: Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Field Crops Branch, - Stehen, W.J.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1928
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  5. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1950-1975
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  6. By: Alberta. Department of Lands and Forests.
    Publication info: Edmonton, The Department, 1951-[1972?]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  7. By: Sekerak, A. D. (Aaron Daniel) - Walder, Gordon L. - Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta Environment, 1980
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  8. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Fish and Wildlife Division. Fisheries Section, - Paetkau, P., - Bishop, F.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1971
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  9. By: Wilton, G. S. - Carlson, H. C. - Vance, H. N.
    Publication info: [Edmonton, Alta.], Dept. of Agriculture, 1958
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  10. By: Shoemaker, James Sheldon, - Hargrave, P. D. - Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. - University of Alberta. Faculty of Agriculture.
    Publication info: [Edmonton, University of Alberta and Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, 1942
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  11. By: Alberta. Poultry Branch.
    Publication info: [Edmonton?, Alberta], [Department of Agriculture?], [1960?]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  12. By: Jardin botanique de la faculté mixte de médicine et pharmacie de Lyon. - Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: Lyon, 1901-1912
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
  13. By: Alberta. Dept. of Recreation, Parks and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife Division, - Bidgood, B. F.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1967
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  14. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests,
    Publication info: [Government of Alberta], 1958
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  15. By: Sterling, G. R. - Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Dept. of Agriculture, [1951]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  16. By: Sterling, G. R. - Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: [Edmonton], Dept. of Agriculture, 1956
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  17. By: Sterling, G. R. - Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, Field Crops Branch, 1956
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  18. By: Alberta. Dairy Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Dept. of Agriculture, 1957
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  19. By: Alberta. Department of Lands and Forests.
    Publication info: [Edmonton, Alberta], [Department of Lands and Forests, Provincial Parks Board], [1957]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  20. By: Alberta. Dept. of Environment. Water Resources Division, - Yurko, William J. - Renewable Resources Consulting Services Ltd.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta 1971
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  21. By: Alberta. Dept. of Recreation, Parks and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife Division, - Bidgood, B. F.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1967
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  22. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Fish and Wildlife Division,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1970
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  23. By: Alberta Forage Crops Advisory Committee.
    Edition: Rev.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, 1954
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  24. By: Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Plant Industry Division. Crop Protection and Pest Control Branch,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1969
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  25. By: Anderson, C. Graham. - Short Grass Growers' Association. - Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Mines.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, King's Printer, 1941
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  26. By: Alberta. Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources. - Maduram, G. H.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1971
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  27. By: Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alta, Dept. of Agriculture, 1957
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  28. By: Gurba, J. B. - Lobay, W., - Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta, Field Crops Branch, Department of Agriculture, [1956]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  29. By: Alberta. Dept. of Recreation, Parks and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife Division, - Paterson, Rodney J.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1968
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  30. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta, [Department of Lands and Forests], 1958-1967
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  31. By: Miller, Richard B. - Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Mines.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Dept. of Lands and Mines, Fisheries Branch, 1946
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  32. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Fish and Wildlife Division. Fisheries Section, - Smith, Alan R.,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1970
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  33. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Fish and Wildlife Division. Fisheries Section, - Bradley, G. M., ontributor.
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, [1969]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  34. By: Turner, William R. - Alberta. Fish and Wildlife Division.
    Publication info: [Edmonton], Fish & Wildlife Division, Dept. of Lands and Forests, 1968
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  35. By: Turner, William R. - Alberta. Fish and Wildlife Division.
    Publication info: [Edmonton], Fish and Wildlife Division, Dept. of Lands and Forests, 1968
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  36. By: Hunt, C. W. - Alberta. Fish and Wildlife Division.
    Publication info: [Edmonton, Alta.], Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, Fisheries Section, 1967
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  37. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Fish and Wildlife Division. Fisheries Section, - Bishop, Frank,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, [1970]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  38. By: Alberta. Poultry Branch.
    Publication info: [Edmonton?, Alberta], Department of Agriculture, [1941]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  39. By: Society for Range Management.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Lands Branch, Alberta Dept. of Lands and Forests, 1960
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  40. By: Gurba, J. B. - Stelfox, D. - Alberta. Crop Protection and Pest Control Branch.
    Edition: Rev.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, Crop Protection and Pest Control Branch, 1961
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  41. By: Lobay, W. - Wilson, A. M. - Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, Field Crops Branch, 1954
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  42. By: Alberta. Legislative Assembly. Select Special Committee on Recreational and Commercial Fishing Industries in Alberta, - Topolnisky, George
    Publication info: Legislative Assembly of Alberta, 1980
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  43. By: Newton, Robert, - National Research Council Canada. - Canada. Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
    Publication info: Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1930
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  44. By: McLean, Jock. - Coulcher, Blane
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Forest Service, [1968]
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  45. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Fish and Wildlife Division. Fisheries Section, - Lane, C. B.,
    Publication info: [Government of Alberta], 1970
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  46. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1960
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  47. By: Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Forests,
    Publication info: Government of Alberta, 1960?
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  48. By: Alberta. Field Crops Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Dept. of Agriculture, 1960
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  49. By: Lewis, C. E. - McKenney, Angus. - Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Seed and Weed Branch.
    Publication info: Edmonton, [Dept. of Agriculture], 1912
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  50. By: Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Seed and Weed Branch. - Smith, J D
    Publication info: Alberta Agriculture, 1917
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  51. By: Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Provincial Schools of Agriculture, - Talbot, P. R. (Percy R.) - Hooper, J. C.
    Publication info: [Government of Alberta], 1919
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  52. By: Talbot, P. R. (Percy R.) - Ballantyne, E. E. - Hooper, J. C.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, c1951, 1955
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library
  53. By: Talbot, P. R. (Percy R.) - Ballantyne, E. E. - Hooper, J. C. - Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture.
    Edition: Rev.
    Publication info: Edmonton, Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, 1951
    Holding Institution: Alberta Legislature Library