The nest and eggs of the Whooping Crane, Grus americana
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 1
Introduced rats, Rattus spp., on the Queen Charlotte Islands: Implications for seabird conservation
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 6
Early Holocene Black Bears, Ursus americanus, from Vancouver Island
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 11
The Cougar, Felis concolor, in the Maritime Provinces
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 19
A new agromyzid (Diptera) leaf-miner of mountain holly (Nemopanthus, Aquifoliaceae) from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 23
Catalogue des algues d'eau douce du Québec, Canada
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 27
New information on the problem of Asiatic Cress, Rorippa crystallina Rollins (Brassicaceae)
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 111
Predation of Thick-billed Mures, Uria lomvia, at two breeding colonies by Polar Bears, Ursus maritimus, and Walruses, Odobenus rosmarus
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 112
Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, and Northern Goshawk, Accipiter gentilis, nests apparently preyed upon by a Wolverine(s), Gulo gulo, in the southwestern Yukon Territory
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 115
Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos - Wolf, Canis lupus, interaction in Glacier National Park, Montana
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 117
Cartwheeling behaviour in the Broad- winged Hawk, Buteo platypterus
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 119
Albino Eastern Screech-Owl, Otus asio
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 121
An Annotated Checklist to the Birds of Greenland, by David Boertmann [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 132
British Birds in 1989-1990: The Conservation and Monitoring Review, by D. A. Stroud and D. Glue [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 133
Fish Watching: An Outdoor Guide to Freshwater Fishes, by C. Lavett Smith [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 133
Environmental Physiology of the Amphibians, eds. Martin E. Feder and Warren W. Buggren [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 134
Wild Cats of the World, by David Alderton [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 135
Lizard Ecology: Historical and Experimental Perspectives, eds. L. J. Vitt and E. R. Pianka [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 135
Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska, by Kate Wynne [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 136
Atlas of Wild Places: In Search of the Earth's Last Wildernesses, by Rober Few [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 137
Freshwater Marshes, by Milton W. Weller [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 137
Trace Gas Exchange in a Global Perspective, eds. D. S. Ojima and B. H. Svensson [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 138
Restoration Planning for the Rivers of the Mississippi River Ecosystem, eds. L. W. Hesse et al. [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 138
Biotic Diversity in Agroecosystems, eds. M. G. Paoletti and D. Pimental [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 139
Tatshenshini: River Wild, eds. Ken Budd and Rick Careless [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 139
Algonquin Park: Excursions with a Photographer, by Dave Taylor [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 140
Dean of Birdwatchers: A Biography of Ludlow Griscom, by William E. Davis, Jr. [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 140
A Naturalist in Florida: A Celebration of Eden, by Archie Carr [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 141
Shadowbirds: A Quest for Rails, by William Burt [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 1, Page 142
A review of the alvars of the Great Lakes Region: Distribution, floristic composition, biogeography, and protection
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 143
The extent of confinement of vacular plants to alvars in southern Ontario
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 172
The status of Blanding's Turtles, Emydoidea blandingii, in Nova Scotia, Canada
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 182
Home range and movements of the Common Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina serpentina, in a coastal wetland of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 192
Effects of cottage development on White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, winter habitat on Lake Muskoka, Ontario
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 201
General features of Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, spawning sites in lakes in Algonquin Park, Ontario
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 205
Summer activity of Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, in a simulated natural environment
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 210
Straw-colored capsules of Sand Dune Long-stalked Chickweed, Stellaria longipes subspecies arenicola (Caryophyllaceae), in the sand dunes of Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 216
Fourteenth census of seabird populations in the sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1993
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 220
Range expansion of Coyotes, Canis latrans, threatens a remnant herd of Caribou, Rangifer tarandus, in southeastern Quebec
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 227
The spread and current distribution of European Frogbit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L., in North America
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 236
Vascular flora of sand barrens in the middle Ottawa Valley
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 242
Defense of one twin calf against Wolves, Canis lupus, by a female Moose, Alces alces
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 251
Wolf, Canis lupus, predation on Dusky Canada Geese, Branta canadensis occidentalis
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 253
Summer above-ground movements of Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, in an alfalfa field
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 256
First record of the butterfly Euchloe naina (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) from North America
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 259
Northern Mockingbird, Mimus polyglottus, at Princeton: First successful breeding record in British Columbia
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 260
Fatal trauma sustained by Cougars, Felis concolor, while attacking prey in southern Alberta
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 261
Partial albinism in an island population of Meadow Voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, from Nova Scotia
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 263
Observations on maternal behaviour in Muskosen, Ovibos moschatus, during river crossing
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 264
Addenum: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 108(4)
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 265
Henry Mousley and the orchids of southern Quebec
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 273
Lake, River and Sea-run Fishes of Canada, by Frederick H. Wooding [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 282
Ontario Birds at Risk: Status and Conservation Needs, by J. W. Austin, M. D. Caman, and R. D. James [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 283
Cheetahs of the Serengeti Plains, by T. M Caro [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 284
City Peregrines: A Ten-year Saga of New York City Falcons, by Saul Frank [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 285
The Atlas of Endangered Animals and The Atlas of Endangered Places, by S. Pollock [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 286
Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation, by John Grimson Lyon [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 2, Page 287
The history of the exploration of the vascular flora of Canada
Vol 109, Iss 3, Page 291
The history of the exploration of the vascular flora of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
Vol 109, Iss 3, Page 357
The history of the exploration of the vascular flora of Greenland
Vol 109, Iss 3, Page 362
Combined index to personal names
Vol 109, Iss 3, Page 378
Flora of North America North of Mexico, Volume I, Introduction, ed. Flora of North America Editorial Committee [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 3, Page 387
Flora of North America North of Mexico, Volume 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms, Polypodophyta (Ferns), Cycadophyta (Cycads), Ginkgophyta (Ginkgos), Coniferophyta, (Conifers), Gnetophyta (Gnetophytes), ed. Flora of North America Editorial Committee [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 3, Page 390
Distribution and breeding status of the Wliite-faced Ibis, Plegadis chihi, in Canada
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 391
The distribution of small mammals on cultivated fields and in rights-of-way
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 403
Utilisation du Territoire du Nouveau-Québec par L'Oie des neiges, Chen caerulescens, en période de migration
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 408
Relative activity and occurrence of bats in southwestern Ontario as determined by monitoring with bat detectors
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 413
The diet of Bald Eagles, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, wintering in the lower Great Lakes basin. 1987-1995
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 418
Phenology and breeding success of feral Rock Doves, Columba liria, in Toronto, Ontario
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 426
Diet and internal anatomy of male Sharp-tailed Grous, Tympanuchus phasianellus, as related to age and position on the Lek
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 433
Effect of a commonly-used nest marker on nest success of ducks in prairie Canada
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 437
Arrow Arum, Peltandra virginica, a nationally rare plant in the Ottawa valley region of Ontario
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 441
Coprophagy by Wilson's Storm-petrels, Oceanites oceanicus, on North Atlantic Right Whiale, Eubalaena glacialis, faeces
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 443
Extensions to the Known Range for Three Maine Reptiles
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 444
Evidence of overwinter growth in Pearly Caribou, Rangifer tarandus pearyi, calves
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 446
Wetland habitat use by the Black Rat Snake, Elaphe obsoleta, in eastern Ontario
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 449
Influence of harassment by Wolves. Canis lupus, on Barren-ground Caribou, Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus, movements near the Bumside River, Northwest Territories
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 452
First record of the algal genus Basicladia (Chlorophyta, Cladophorales) in Canada
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 454
Western Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta bellii, basking on a nesting Common Loon, Gavia immer
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 456
Cooperative foraging by North American River Otters, Lontra canadensis
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 458
A Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, increase in the Maritimes: Implications to Black Ducks, Anas rubripes
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 459
The distnbution and abundance of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster, Aster laurentianus, in Pnnce Edward Island National Park
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 462
Observations of agonistic and mutulistic interactions between birds and non-avian vertebrates on the E. S. George Reserve, Michigan
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 464
Internal parasites of sympatric Bison, Bison bison, and Cattle, Bos taurus
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 467
Prebasic (postnuptial) molt in free-ranging Harris' Sparrows, Zonotrichia querula, in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 470
Summer movements and behavior of an arctic Wolf, Canis lupus, pack without pups
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 473
Fates of translocated Cougars, Felis concolor, in Alberta
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 475
First record of offshore spawning for the Black Rockfish, Sebastes melanops
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 479
Erratum: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 109(2)
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 480
Top Birding Spots in Southern Africa, by Hugh Chittenden [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 482
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Maine, eds. Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr.,John Albright, and Jane Arbuckle [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 482
Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, by George R. Zug [Review]'
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 483
The Bowhead Whale, by John Burns, Jerome Montague, and Cleveland Cowles [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 485
Kangaroos: The Marvelous Mob, by Terry Domico [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 486
Lady Grayl: Owl with a Mission, by Robert W. Nero [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 487
Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians, eds. Ronald Heyer et al. [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 488
Quaternary Insects and their Environments, by Scott A. Elias [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 489
Turtles of the United States and Canada, by Carl H. Ernst, Jeffrey E. Lovich, and Roger W. Barbour [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 490
Behavioral Mechanisms in Evolutionary Ecology, ed. Leslie A. Real [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 490
The Timber Wolf in Wisconsin: The Death and Life of a Majestic Predator, by R. P. Thiel [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 491
Biology of North American Tortoises, eds. R. Bruce Bury and David J. Germano [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 492
Atlas des Amphibiens et des Reptiles du Québec, by Roger Bider and Sylvie Matte [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 493
The Reptiles and Amphibians of the Hamilton Area: A Historical Summary and the Results of The Hamilton Herpetological Atlas, by William G. Lamond [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 494
The Northern Goshawk: Ecology and Management, eds. W. M. Block, M. L. Morrison, and M. Hildegard Reiser [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 495
Handbook of Birds of the World, Volume 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl, eds. Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliot and Jordi Sargatal [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 496
Legendary Northwoods Animals, by Galen Winter [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 497
Where to Watch Birds in South America, by Nigel Wheatley [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 497
Terns of Europe and North America, by Klaus Malling Olsen and Habs Larsson
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 498
Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the Deep, by Paul H. LeBlond and Edward L. Bousfield [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 498
Rogue Primate: An Exploration of Human Domestication, by John A. Livingston [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 500
Invasive Plants of Natural Habitats in Canada, by D. J. White, E. Haber, and C. Keddy [Review]'
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 501
Guide to Flowering Plant Families, by Wendy B. Zomlefer [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 501
Plants of Coastal British Columbia including Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, eds. J. Pojar and A. MacKinnon [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 502
The Lichens of British Columbia: Illustrated Keys, Part 1: Foliose and Squamulose Species, by Trevor Goward, Bruce McCune, and Del Meidinger [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 503
Exploitation of Environmental Heterogeneity by Plants: Ecophysiological Processes Above- and Belowground, eds. Martyn M. Caldwell and Robert W. Pearcy [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 503
Scientific Names of 7000 Vascular Plants in the United States, by Lois Brako, Amy Y. Rossman, and David F. Farr [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 504
The Masked Bobwhite Rides Again, by John Alcock [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 504
Size and Integrity Standards for Natural Heritage Areas in Ontario, eds. Scott F. Poser, William J. Crins, and T. J. Beechy, and The Natural Heritage of Southern Ontario's Settled Landscapes: A Review of Conservation and Restoration Ecology for Land-Use and Landscape Planning, by John L. Riley and Pat Mohr [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 504
Shield Country: Life and Times of the Oldest Piece of the Planet, by Jamie Bastedo [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 505
Large-Scale Ecology and Conservation Biology, eds. P. J. Edwards, R. M. May, and N. R. Webb [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 507
Biodiversity in British Columbia: Our Changing Environment, eds. Lee E. Harding and Emily McCallum [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 507
Principles of Conservation Biology, by Gary K. Meffe and C. Ronald Carroll [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 508
Thinking Like a Mountain: Aldo Leopold and the Evolution of an Ecological Attitude toward Deer, Wolves, and Forests, by Susan L. Flader [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 509
From Coastal Wilderness to Fruited Plain, by Gordon G. Whitney [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 509
Proceedings of the Thirteenth North American Prairie Conference: Spirit of the Land, Our Prairie Legacy, eds. Robert G. Wickett, et al. [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 510
A Practical Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment, by Paul A. Erickson [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 511
Nature's Kindred Spirits, by James I. McClintock [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 511
Science in the Subarctic, by Debra Lindsay [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 512
Naturalist, by Edward O. Wilson [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 513
From a Biological Point of View, by Elliott Sober [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 514
Minutes of Meetings 1924-1927 of the MclIlwraith Ornithological Club, London, Ontario, Canada, by William W. Judd [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 514
Darwinism Evolving, by David J. Depew and Bruce H. Weber [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 515
American Women Afield: Writings by Pioneering Women Naturalists, by Marcia Myers Bonta [Review]
Vol 109, Iss 4, Page 516