Population ecology of sciurids in northwestern Minnesota
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 1
Comparison of Killdeers, Charadrius vociferus, breeding in mainland and peninsular sites in southern Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 7
Distribution and habitat use of Caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou, and Moose, Alces alces andersoni, in the Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Area, British Columbia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 12
Seasonal and diurnal abundance of aquatic birds on the Drizzle Lake Reserve, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 22
Établissement du Goéland à bec cerclé, Larus delawarensis, au Québec
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 29
Food of Red-winged Blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus, in sunflower fields and corn fields
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 38
Vestigial wing claws on Great Gray Owls, Strix nebulosa
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 45
Dark-eyed Junco, Junco hyemalis, nest usurped by Pacific Jumping Mouse, Zapus trinotatus
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 47
Northern Wheatears, Oenanthe oenanthe, on Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere islands, Northwest Territories
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 48
Observations on male Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus, accompanying brood
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 49
Food habits of Bobcats, Lynx rufus, in Nova Scotia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 50
How to distinguish first-year murres, Uria spp., from older birds in winter
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 52
Unusual damage caused by Muskrats, Ondatra zibet hicus
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 55
Fisher, Martes pennanti, scent marking behaviour
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 57
Range extension of the Blackchin Shiner, Notropis heterodon, to Dauphin Lake, Manitoba
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 58
Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus, at Lake Athabasca, Saskatchewan: a significant northward range extension
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 59
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 62
The Committee on the Status of Endangered WildHfe in Canada (COSEWIC): history and progress
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 63
Rare and endangered fishes of Canada: the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildhfe in Canada (COSEWIC) Fish and Marine Mammals Subcommittee
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 71
Status of the Shortnose Sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, in Canada
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 75
Status of the Spotted Gar, Lepisosieus oculatus, in Canada
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 80
Preliminary status of the Acadian Whitefish, Coregonus canadensis, in southern Nova Scotia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 86
Status of the Silver Shiner, Notropis photogenis, in Canada
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 91
Status of the Speckled Dace, Rhinichthys osculus, in Canada
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 98
Status of the Spotted Sucker, Minytrema melanops, in Canada
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 104
Status of the River Redhorse, Moxostoma carinatum, in Canada
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 110
Status of the Giant (Mayer Lake) Stickleback, Gasterosteus sp., on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 115
Status of Unarmoured and Spine-deficient populations (Charlotte Unarmoured Stickleback) of the Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus sp., on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 120
Status of the Shorthead Sculpin, Cottus confusus, in the Flathead River, British Columbia
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 127
The Cotingas, by David Snow [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 134
Islands of the seals: the Pribilofs, ed. THe Alaska Geographic Society [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 134
Saskatchewan Cougar: elusive cat, by T. White [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 135
A bibliography of Alberta ornithology, by Martin K. McNichol et al. [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 136
Atlas of European Trichoptera, by Hans Malicky [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 137
The Northern Yellowstone Elk: ecology and management, by Douglas B. Houston [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 138
L'exploitation des grenouilles au Québec, by Alice Marcotte [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 139
Der Bartkauz [The Great Gray Owl], by Heimo Mikkola [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 140
The flora of New England: a manual for the identification of all vascular plants including ferns and fern allies growing without cuhivation in New England, by Frank Conkling Seymour [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 142
Moss flora of the Maritime Provinces, by Robert R. Ireland [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 142
A flora of Waterton Lakes National Park, by Job Kuijit [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 143
Biological monitoring in water pollution, by John Cairns Jr. [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 144
The natural environment of Newfound land, past and present, eds. A. G. Macpherson and J. Brown Macpherson [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 145
Conservation biology: an evolutionary-ecological perspective, eds. M. E. Soulé and B. A. Wilcox [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 1, Page 146
Characteristics of sites occupied by Wild Lily-of-the-Valley, Maianthemum canadense, on Hill Island, Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 151
Origins of organochlorines accumulated by Peregrine Falcons, Falco peregrinus, breeding in Alaska and Greenland
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 159
The status of Western Larch, Larix occidentalis, in Alberta
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 167
Additions to the vascular plant flora of the Bathurst Inlet Region, Northwest Territories
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 171
Douzième inventaire des populations d'oiseaux marins dans les refuges de la Côte-Nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 178
Habitat use, movements and grouping behaviour of Woodland Caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou, in southeastern Manitoba
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 184
Vocalizations of the BoreaJ Owl, Aegolius funereus richardsoni, in North America
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 191
Establishment of freshwater biota in an inland stream following reduction of salt input
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 198
Notes on Canadian sedges, Cyperaceae
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 209
Microhabitat separation and coexistence of two temperate-zone rodents
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 215
Influences du dérangement humain et de I'activité du Cormoran à aigrettes, Phalacrocorax auritus, sur la reproduction du Grand Héron, Ardea herodias, aux îles de la Madeleine
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 219
Changes in small mammal communities after fire in northcentral Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 223
The Canadian Beaver, Castor canadensis, as a geomorphic agent in karst terrain
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 227
The Biological Flora of Canada 4. Shepherdia argentea (Pursh) Nutt., Buffaloberry
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 231
Distribution of small mammals on nine small coastal islands in southwestern Nova Scotia
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 245
Silver Hairgrass, Aira caryophyllea, new to eastern Canada, and other notable records from Seal Island, Nova Scotia
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 248
The morphology of a vegetatively proliferating inflorescence of Kentucky Bluegrass, Poa pratensis
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 249
Observations of Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, predation on Dall Sheep, Ovis dalli dalli, lambs
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 252
A recent specimen of the Eastern Spiny Softshell, Trionyx spiniferus spiniferus, from Hamihon Harbour, Lake Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 254
Pinsap, Monotropa hypopithys, new to the flora of Manitoba
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 256
Organochlorine pesticide and PCB residues in eggs and nestlings of Tree Swallows, Tachycineta bicolor, in Central Alberta
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 258
Errata for COSEWIC Articles, 98(1): 63-133
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 264
Additional Errata for 98(1)
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 264
Seasons of North American Birds: engagement calendar 1984, by Jean-Louis Frund and Odas White [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 265
Where to Find Birds in New York State: the top 500 sites, by Susan Roney Drennan [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 265
Gulls: a guide to identification, by P. J. Grant [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 266
Mammifères du Québec et de l'est du Canada, tomes 1 et 2, by Jacques Prescott and Pierre Richard [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 267
Birds of the St. Croix River Valley: Minnesota and Wisconsin, by Craig A. Faanes [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 267
The Barn Owl, by Derek Bunn, Tony Warburton and Robert Wilson [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 268
Wildflowers of the Yukon and Northwestern Canada including adjacent Alaska, by John G. Trelawny [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 269
A Field Guide to the Sedges of the Cariboo Forest Region, British Columbia, by Anna Roberts [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 269
Flora of Iceland, by Askel Löve [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 270
Canadian Wildflowers through the Seasons, by Mary Ferguson and Richard M. Saunders and Canadian Wildflowers 1985, by Mary Ferguson [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 271
The Great Lakes Forest: an environmental and social history, ed. Susan L. Flader [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 271
Voyage of the Iceberg, by Richard Brown [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 272
Spruce Woods Provincial Park, by Manitoba Department of Natural Resources [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 2, Page 273
Migration of Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis, in east-central Alaska, with routes through Alaska and western Canada
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 279
An evaluation of spring arid autumn trapping seasons for Muskrats, Ondatra zibethicus, in eastern Canada
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 293
Croissance, reproduction et régime alimentaire de la morue, Gadus morhua, vivant dans le fjord du Saguenay, au Québec
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 305
Dispersal and home range of Striped Skunks, Mephitis mephitis, in an area of population reduction in southern Alberta
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 315
The post-spawning movement and diel activity of Rainbow Trout, Sahno gairdneri, as determined by ultrasonic tracking in Batchawana Bay. Lake Superior, Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 320
Observations on the migration, ecology and behaviour of bats at Delta Marsh, Manitoba
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 331
A comparison of seed reserves in arctic, subarctic, and alpine soils
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 337
The Biological Flora of Canada 5. Delphinium glaucum Watson, Tall Larkspur
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 345
Effects of various hardwood forest management practices on small mammals in central Nova Scotia
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 362
Parasites of the Knifenose Chimaera, Rhinochimaera atlantica, from the northwest Atlantic Ocean
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 365
Abnormal dentition in the American Bison, Bison bison
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 366
Wolves, Canis lupus, kill female Black Bear, Ursus americanus, in Alberta
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 368
The caryopsis as a support organ for germinating Wild Rice, Zizania aquatica
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 369
More on "Peculiar damage to mature spruce trees"
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 370
New or additional moss records from Nova Scotia and Québec
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 372
Polystichum lemmonii, a Rock Shield-fern new to British Columbia and Canada
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 375
Appeal for the St-Lawrence Belugas
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 377
A Tribute to Charles Henry Douglas Clarke, 1909-1981 [Obituary]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 379
Bibliography of C. D. H. Clarke
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 385
Goodbye Bugs: A practical guide to coping with insects in the great outdoors, by Alan West and Bev Smallman [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 401
Biology of desert invertebrates, by Clifford S. Crawford [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 401
Estrildid finches of the world, by Derek Goodwin [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 402
A. B. A. checklist: Birds of the continental United States and Canada, by G. S. Keith et al. [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 403
Wild Mammals of North America: Biology, management and economics, eds. J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhamer [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 403
Marine birds and mammals of Puget Sound, by Tony Angel and Kenneth C. Balcomb [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 404
Migration, harvest, and population dynamics of Mourning Doves banded in the Central Management Unit, 1967-77, by James H. Dunks et al. [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 405
Amphibians and reptiles of New England: Habits and natural history, by Richard M. DeGraaf and Debora D. Rudis [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 406
Walker's mammals of the world: Volumes I and II, by Ronald M. Nowak and John L. Paradiso [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 407
The hummingbirds of North America, by Paul A. Johnsgaard [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 408
Flora of Alberta, by E. H. Moss [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 3, Page 408
The pre-settlement breeding distribution of Trumpeter, Cygnus buccinator, and Tundra swans, C. columbianus, in eastern Canada
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 415
The biology of Diapensia lapponica in Newfoundland
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 425
Biogeography of sympatric Peromyscus in northern New York
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 440
The aquatic macrophyte vegetation of an isolated island lake adjacent to Lake Nipigon, Ontario: A comparative study after a fifty-six year interval
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 444
Activity of American White Pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, at a traditional foraging area in Manitoba
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 451
Killer Whales, Orcinus orca, prey on Narwhals, Monodon monoceros: An eyewitness account
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 458
Habitat selection in the Southern Bog Lemming, Synaptomys cooperi, and the Meadow Vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus, in Virginia
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 463
Shumard Oak, Quercus shumardii, in Essex County, Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 470
Winter mortality of Dall Sheep, Ovis dalli dalli, in Kluane National Park, Yukon
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 479
Additions to the vascular plant flora of Bylot Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 485
Summer food habits of voles, Clethrionomys rutilus and Microtus pennsylvanicus, on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 489
Computer-readable data sheets
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 492
Range extension of the Orangespotted Sunfish. Lepoinis humilis, to the Canard River, Essex County, Ontario
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 494
Warmouth, Lepomis gulosus, a freshwater fish new to Canada
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 496
Dog, Canis familiaris, killed by a Coyote, Cam's lalrans, on Montreal Island, Quebec
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 498
Distributional records of bats from the James Bay region
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 500
Training White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, for food habit studies
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 503
Malocclusion of incisor teeth in a Red Squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 506
Aberrant coloration in two Least Chipmunks, Eutamias minimus, from western Canada
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 508
Erratum: volume 98, number 2; Aiken and Darbyshire page 249
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 512
A tribute to Robie Wilfred Tufts, 1884-1982 [Obituary]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 513
The Life of the Hummingbird, by Alexander F. Skutch [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 519
The Birds of British Columbia (11) Sparrows and Finches, by C. J. Guiguet [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 519
Acta Ornithologica [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 520
The Snake Book, by Roy Pinney [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 520
Plants of Essex County: A preliminary list, ed. Wilfred Botham [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 522
Flowers of the Wild: Ontario and the Great Lakes Region, by Zile Zichmanis and James Hodgins [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 522
Canadian Arctic Recollections: Baffin lsland 1923-1931, by J. D. Soper [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 523
The Manual of Outdoor Photography, by Michael Freeman [Review]
Vol 98, Iss 4, Page 524