B. A. Krukoff's 4th Expedition to Brazilian Amazonia
Krukoff, B. A., Fróes, R. L. (Ricardo Lemos), 1891-1960 Burret, M. (Max), 1883-1964 Fries, Robert Elias 1876-1966 Gleason, Henry A. (Henry Allan), 1882-1975 Killip, Ellsworth P. (Ellsworth Paine), 1890-1968 Moldenke, Harold N. (Harold Norman), 1909-1996 Morton, C. V. (Conrad Vernon) 1905-1972 Sandwith, N Y Seussenguth, Karl Smith, Albert C. (Albert Charles), 1906 Apr 5- Standley, Paul Carpenter, 1884-1963
Fourth expedition to Brazilian Amazonia : list of identifications
Harvard University Botany Libraries
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