By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition: 24th ed.Publication info: Flushing, N.Y, Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1827Volume: 1827Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Flushing, N.Y, Wm. Prince, [1833?]Volume: 1833Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Flushing, N.Y, Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1833Volume: 1833Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Flushing, N.Y, Wm. R. Prince & Co., 1834/5,Volume: 1834-1835Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Flushing, N.Y, Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1835Volume: 1835Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: N.Y.?, s.n, 1838?Volume: 1838Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Wm. R. Prince & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Flushing, N.Y, Wm. R. Prince & Co, 1842Volume: 1842Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Pritchard, Andrew, - Chevalier, Charles,Edition:Publication info: Paris, C. Chevalier, 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Wellcome LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Steenstra Toussaint, A. J. D.Edition:Publication info: [n.p.], 1835Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wikström, Joh. Em. (Johann Emanuel), - Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.Edition:Publication info: Stockholm, Tryckt hos P.A. Norstedt & söner, 1830-1857Volume: 1836Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Hasskarl, J. K. (Justus Karl),Edition:Publication info: Amsterdam, J. Müller, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Young, AaronEdition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Gloger, Constantin Wilhelm Lambert,Edition:Publication info: Breslau, August Schulz & Co, 1833Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cambridge University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library
By: Darwin, Charles, - Gloger, Constantin Wilhelm Lambert,Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cambridge University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library
By: Pfeiffer, Louis (Ludwig Georg Karl), - Dondorf, Bernhard, - Fischer, Theodor Georg Viktor. - Fischer, Theodor. - Francke, Gustav. - Otto, Friedrich, - Prestele, Joseph,Edition:Publication info: Cassel, T. Fischer, 1843-1850Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Pfeiffer, Louis (Ludwig Georg Karl),Edition:Publication info: Cassel : Verlag von Theodor Fischer, 1838-1843Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Pfeiffer, Louis (Ludwig Georg Karl),Edition:Publication info: Cassel : Druck und Verlag von Theodor Fischer, 1845-1850Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition: 2. Aufl.Publication info: Nürnberg, Bauer u. Raspe, 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wolff, Johann Friedrich,Edition:Publication info: Erlangen, J. J. Palm, 1800-11Volume: Heft.1-5 (1800-1811)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich,Edition:Publication info: Göttingen, Heinrich Dieterich, 1810Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Naturalis Biodiversity CenterSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Schlegel, H. (Hermann),Edition:Publication info: Düsseldorf, im Verlag von Arnz & Comp, 1837-1844Volume: textSeries:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections: Blog Features
By: Heckel, Johann Jakob, - Russegger, Joseph.Edition:Publication info: Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart'sche, 1843Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wolf, Johann,Edition:Publication info: Nürnberg, Im Verlag des Conrad Tyroff'schen Wappen-Kunst-und Commissions-Bureau's, 1818-1822Volume: textSeries:Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Philippi, Rodolfo Amando,Edition:Publication info: Cassel, T. Fischer, 1845-Volume: Bd.1 (1845)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sturm, Jakob, - Illiger, Johann Karl Wilhelm, - Olivier, G. A. (Guillaume Antoine),Edition:Publication info: Nürnberg, Gedruckt auf Kosten des Herausgebers, 1802-1803Volume: (1802-1803) [Text]Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Fischer, Josef Emanuel, Edler von Röslerstamm, - Harzer, August, - Mann, Josef, - Winkler. - Treitschke, Georg Friedrich, - Hübner, Jacob,Edition:Publication info: Leipzig, In der J.C. Hinrich'schen Buchhandlung, und bei dem Verfasser in Nixdorf in Böhmen, 1834[-1843]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Alberta LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von,Edition:Publication info: Weimar, im Verlage des Grossherzogl. Sächs. priv. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1822-1831Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gutbier, August von,Edition:Publication info: Zwickau, G. Richter'schen Buchhandlung, 1835Volume: AtlasSeries:Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Delachénaye, B .Edition:Publication info: Paris, de l'imprimerie de P. Didot l'Ainé, 1811Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Language of Flowers
By: Martin, Joseph. - Martin, Alexandre,Edition:Publication info: Paris, Alexandre Martin, 1826Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Tannenberg, Gottfried Wilhelm, - Spangenberg, Georg, - Schoenberg, Jorgen Johan Albrecht von,Edition:Publication info: Göttingen, H. Dieterich, 1810Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Šternberg, Kašpar, Graf,Edition:Publication info: Prag, G. Haase, 1817-1818Volume: v.1-2Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg.Edition:Publication info: Hamburg, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein,Volume: 1.Bd. (1846)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Schlegel, H. (Hermann),Edition:Publication info: Leiden, A. Arnz & comp, 1841-51Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Královská ceská spolecnost nauk. Trída mathematiko-prírodovedecká.Edition:Publication info: Prag, G. Haase, -1885Volume: series 5:bd. 1 (1837-1840)Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.Edition:Publication info: Berlin, Realschul-Buchhandlung, 1825-1900Volume: 1822-1823Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Akademie der Wissenschaften in GöttingenEdition:Publication info: Göttingen, In der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1843-[189-?]Volume: v.1 (1838-1841)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse. - Königlich Bayerische Akademie der WissenschaftenEdition:Publication info:Volume: Bd.1 (1832)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Königlich Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig.Edition:Publication info: Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1849-1920Volume: v.5:no.1-6 (1861)Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Halsey, Abraham,Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Linné, Carl von, - Brisson, Mathurin-Jacques, - Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, - Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel, - Gmelin, Johann Friedrich, - Pallas, Peter Simon,Edition:Publication info: Lyon, Chez l'éditeur, 1805Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Wellcome LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, - Godin des Odonais, Jean,Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Oken, Lorenz, - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,Edition:Publication info: Göttingen, Bei Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, 1805Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Massachusetts. Secretary of the Commonwealth.Edition:Publication info: Boston, Dutton and Wentworth, [184-]-1847Volume: 1845Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Royal Society (Great Britain)Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by Richard Taylor, 1851-1854Volume: v.5=no.[25-30] (1843-1850)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Royal Society (Great Britain) - Royal Society (Great Britain)Edition:Publication info: London, Royal Society of London, 1814-1843Volume: v.1=no.[1-6] (1800-1814)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Brown, Robert,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1821Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Labillardière, Jacques Julien Houton de,Edition: 2d ed.Publication info: London, Printed for B. Uphill, 1802Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sarychev, Gavriil Andreevich,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for R. Phillips by J.G. Barnard, 1806-07Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Laing, John, surgeon.Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for J. Mawman, London : and David Brown, Edinburgh, 1815Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Turner, Samuel, - Davis, Samuel, - Saunders, Robert, active 1782-1790, - W. Bulmer and Co., - G. & W. Nicol,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by W. Bulmer and Co, 1800Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: James, Edwin, - Long, Stephen H. (Stephen Harriman), - Say, Thomas, - Adams, John, Esq. of Waltham Abbey.Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1823Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: John Adams Library at the Boston Public LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: James, Edwin, - Long, Stephen H. (Stephen Harriman), - Say, Thomas, - Peale, Titian Ramsay, - United States. War Department.Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1822-23Volume:Series:Holding Institution: United States Geological Survey Libraries ProgramSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bernard, Thomas, Sir, - Hobson, Jonas, - Society for Bettering and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor.Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for the Society by W. Bulmer, 1806Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of SouthamptonSubjects:BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
By: Le Page du Pratz, Antoine-Simon, - Martin, François-Xavier,Edition:Publication info: Newbern [Tenn.], Franklin & Garrow, 1804Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Canadiana.orgSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Guilding, Lansdown,Edition:Publication info: n. p, [1827]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Yate, William - Gray, John Edward,Edition: 2nd ed.Publication info: London, 1835Volume: 2nd ed.Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Davy, Humphry, Sir, - Banks, Joseph, - Royal Society (Great Britain)Edition:Publication info: London, W. Bulmer and Co, 1803Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research InstituteSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Munnings, Thomas Crowe.Edition:Publication info: Norwich, Printed and sold by Bacon, [1802]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of SouthamptonSubjects:BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
By: Scoresby, William,Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., Edinburgh; and Hurst, Robinson and Co. ... London, 1820Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Canadiana.orgSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Scoresby, William,Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, Printed for A. Constable & co.; [etc.,etc.], 1820Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library
By: Ball, Samuel,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Collins, David,Edition: 2d editionPublication info: London, Cadell & Davies, 1804Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: Museums VictoriaSubjects:BHL Collections: Art of Science | BHL Australia | Museums Victoria
By: Hamilton, Francis, - Swaine, John,Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, Hurst, Robinson, and Co, 1822Volume: [Text] (1822)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Hamilton, Francis,Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, Printed for A. Constable and company; [etc., etc.], 1822Volume: TextSeries:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bostock, John,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Percival, Robert,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by and for C. and R. Baldwin, 1803Volume:Series:Holding Institution: National Library Board, SingaporeSubjects:BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
By: Percival, Robert,Edition: 2d ed. By Captain Robert Percival.Publication info: London, C. and R. Baldwin, 1805Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Garay, José de,Edition:Publication info: London, J.D. Smith and Co, 1846Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Garay, José de,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by J.D. Smith and Co, 1848Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Peale, Rembrandt,Edition:Publication info: London, E. Lawrence, 1802Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sinclair, John, Sir,Edition: 2d ed.Publication info: Edinburgh, A. Constable, 1813Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sinclair, John, Sir,Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, Printed for Arch. Constable by Abernethy & Walker, 1812Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of British Columbia LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Barrow, John, Sir,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for A. Strahan ... for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, 1801Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Barrow, John, Sir, - Neele, Samuel John,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by A. Strahan ... for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, 1801-1804Volume: v.1 (1801)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Natural History Society of Montreal.Edition:Publication info: Montreal, A.H. Armour, 1833Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Canadiana.orgSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture.Edition:Publication info: [N.p, n. pub.], 1819Volume:Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Suomen TiedeseuraEdition:Publication info: Helsingfors, [Suomen Tiedeseura], 1842-1926 [i.e. 1930]Volume: t. 1 (1842)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux.Edition:Publication info: Bordeaux, The Society,Volume: t.4 (1830)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Grube, Adolph Eduard,Edition:Publication info: Königsberg, J. H. Bon, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Grube, Adolph Eduard,Edition:Publication info: Königsberg, J.H. Bon, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information CentreSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Great Britain.Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by W. Bulmer and co, 1805Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections: Natural History Museum (London) Publications
By: Great Britain. Parliament. - British MuseumEdition:Publication info: London, Printed by Cox & Baylis, 1814Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections: Natural History Museum (London) Publications
By: Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas),Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Smith, James EdwardEdition:Publication info: London : Printed by J. Davis. Sold by B. and J. White, Fleet-Street, 1800Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Darlington, William,Edition:Publication info: West Chester, Pa, 1846Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Colman, Henry, - Deane, James,Edition:Publication info: Greenfield, Mass, Printed by Phelps and Ingersoll, 1833Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Dickinson, Samuel Fowler, - Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden Agricultural Society.Edition:Publication info: Amherst, [Mass.], J.S. & C. Adams, printers, 1831Volume:Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Dearborn, H. A. S. (Henry Alexander Scammell),Edition:Publication info: Pittsfield [Mass.], Printed by P. Allen and son, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Watterston, George,Edition:Publication info: Washington, Printed by W. Davis, jr, 1834Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Watterston, George,Edition:Publication info: Washington, Printed by W. Davis, jr, 1834Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Foster, Festus, - Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden Agricultural Society.Edition:Publication info: Northampton [Mass.], T. Watson Shepard ... Printer, 1829Volume:Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Lawrence, Myron, - Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden Agricultural Society.Edition:Publication info: Northampton, J. Metcalf, printer, 1832Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Goodrich, Charles Augustus,Edition:Publication info: Hartford, Printed by Goodwin & co, 1826Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Davidge, Francis Hathorn.Edition:Publication info: Baltimore, Printed by J. Robinson, 1835Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Lee, Zaccheus Collins,Edition:Publication info: Baltimore, J.D. Toy, printer, 1839Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Le Ray de Chaumont, James Donatien,Edition:Publication info: [Watertown? N.Y.], 1829Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Le Ray de Chaumont, V.Edition:Publication info: [Watertown? N.Y.], 1830Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Morris, John G. (John Gottlieb), - Gettysburg college. Linnaean association.Edition:Publication info: Gettysburg, Printed by H. C. Neinstedt, 1847Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Princeton Theological Seminary LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Dearborn, H. A. S. (Henry Alexander Scammell),Edition:Publication info: Boston, I.R. Butts, 1829Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Lunt, George, - Massachusetts Horticultural SocietyEdition:Publication info: Boston, Printed by Dutton and Wentworth, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Dearborn, H. A. S. (Henry Alexander Scammell),Edition:Publication info: Boston, N.E. Farmer Office, 1835Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Francis, John W. (John Wakefield),Edition:Publication info: New York, Printed by E. Conrad, 1830Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Allen, Lewis F. (Lewis Falley),Edition:Publication info: Albany, Weed, Parsons & co., public printers, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Allen, Lewis F. (Lewis Falley),Edition:Publication info: Albany, Weed, Parsons, Public Printers, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wilder, Marshall P. (Marshall Pinckney),Edition:Publication info: [Boston], The Society, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Peters, Richard,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Clark & Raser, printers, 1823Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Biddle, Nicholas,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Clark & Raser, printers, 1822Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Carey, Mathew, - Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture.Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Printed by Joseph R. A. Skerrett, 1824Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Penn State UniversitySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Carey, Mathew,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, J. R. A. Skerrett, 1824Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Vaux, Roberts,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Printed at the Port folio office, 1825Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Emerson, G. (Gouverneur),Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, J.C. Clark, printer, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bigelow, Lewis,Edition:Publication info: Worcester, Printed by Manning & Trumbull, 1821Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Goodwin, Isaac, - Worcester Agricultural Society.Edition:Publication info: Worcester [Mass.], Printed by William Manning, [1824]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Dallas, George Mifflin,Edition:Publication info: Washington, Printed at the office of Blair and Rives, 1847Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Frost, Charles - Literary and Philosophical Society at Kingston-upon-Hull.Edition:Publication info: Lowgate, Kingston-upon-Hull, I. Wilson, 1831Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Allen, Jonathan, - Berkshire Agricultural Society (Berkshire County, Mass.)Edition:Publication info: Pittsfield [Mass.], Printed by Phinehas Allen, 1821Volume:Series:Holding Institution: John Adams Library at the Boston Public LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Western District Agricultural and Horticultural Society.Edition:Publication info: [Sandwich, Ont.?, s.n.], 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Canadiana.orgSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gold, Thomas, - Watson, Elkanah, - Berkshire Agricultural Society (Berkshire County, Mass.)Edition:Publication info: Pittsfield, Printed by Phineas Allen, [1816]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gold, Thomas, - Berkshire Agricultural Society (Berkshire County, Mass.)Edition:Publication info: Pittsfield [Mass.], Printed by Phinehas Allen, [1817]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Green, Jacob, - Green, Jacob.Edition:Publication info: Albany, Printed by Websters and Skinners, 1814Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Meigs, Henry, - American Institute of the City of New York.Edition:Publication info: New-York, James Van Norden & Co., printers, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Cook, Zebedee.Edition:Publication info: Boston, Printed by Isaac R. Butts, 1830Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Cort, RichardEdition:Publication info: [N.p, Printed by Wilson, London], 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information CentreSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Maxcy, Virgil,Edition:Publication info: Annapolis, Printed by J. Green, 1820Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Muse, Joseph E.Edition:Publication info: Wilmington, Del, Evans & Vermon, printers, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Proctor, John W.Edition:Publication info: Salem [Mass.], Printed at the Gazette office, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Spofford, Jeremiah,Edition:Publication info: Salem, Printed by Foote and Chisholm, 1834Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Robbins, Asher,Edition:Publication info: Providence, Miller & Hutchens, printers, 1822Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Burges, Tristam,Edition:Publication info: Providence, Miller and Hutchens, printers, 1822Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bradley, Jonathan Dorr.Edition:Publication info: Brattleboro, Vt, W. E. Ryther, printer, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Headley, Joel Tyler,Edition:Publication info: New York, Baker and Scribner, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Headley, Joel Tyler,Edition: 1st ed.Publication info: New York, Baker and Scribner, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Public LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Jordan, Alexis,Edition:Publication info: Grenoble : F. Allier père et fils, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Swartz, Olof, - Agardh, C. A. (Carl Adolf), - Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim, - Wikström, Joh. Em. (Johann Emanuel),Edition:Publication info: Holmiae, P.A. Norstedt, 1829Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Nylander, William,Edition:Publication info: n.p, [1847]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Jussieu, Adrien de,Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von (Diedrich Franz Leonhard von),Edition:Publication info: Berolini, Apud F. Dümmler, 1825-[1827] i.e. 1825-[1832]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wakefield, Edward Jerningham,Edition:Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1845Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1821Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Canadiana.orgSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Stephen, George, Sir,Edition: 4th ed.Publication info: London, Saunders and Otley, 1837Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Stewart, John,Edition: 4th ed.Publication info: Glasgow, W.R. McPhun, 1836Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of SouthamptonSubjects:BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
By: Stewart, J., veterinary surgeon. - University of Glasgow. Library.Edition:Publication info: Glasgow, Published by W. R. M'Phun, 1834Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Glasgow LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Stewart, John, veterinary surgeon.Edition: 3rd ed.Publication info: Glasgow, W.R. M'Phun, 1835Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Daubenton, (Louis-Jean-Marie), M.Edition: [new ed.]Publication info: Boston, Printed by J. Belcher, 1811Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Holmes, A. F. (Andrew Fernando),Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Krauss, Johan Carl,Edition:Publication info: Amsterdam, J. Allart, 1802Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Thunberg, Carl Peter, - Modin, Bengt Theodor, - Aurell, August, - Sunberg, Carl Magnus, - Winblad, Jacob Emil. - Höjer, Axel. - Axenborg, Pehr. - Sahlin, Lars Eric. - Ekermark, Isaac Vilhelm. - Varenius, Gustaf.Edition:Publication info: Upsala, Palmblad & c, 1828Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Daniell, Samuel, - Daniell, William,Edition:Publication info: London, 1804-05Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: R. G. V. (René Geoffroy de Villeneuve),Edition:Publication info: Paris, Nepveu, libraire, 1814Volume: t.1 (1814)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Herrera, Alonso deEdition:Publication info: Madrid : en la Imprenta Real, 1818Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Herrera, Alonso deEdition:Publication info: Madrid : en la Imprenta Real, 1818Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Herrera, Alonso deEdition:Publication info: Madrid : en la Imprenta Real, 1819Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Herrera, Alonso deEdition:Publication info: Madrid : en la Imprenta Real, 1819Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Darlington, William,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, J. W. Moore, 1847Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Darlington, William,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, J.W. Moore, 1847Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Penn State UniversitySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Hunt, John, - Sebright, John Saunders, Sir,Edition:Publication info: Nottingham, Printed for the author by H. Barnett and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1812Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of SouthamptonSubjects:BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
By:Edition:Publication info: Georgetown, Ca, Printed for the editor, W.A. Rind, 1810-12Volume: v.1Series:Holding Institution: UMass Amherst LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Houghton farm. Experiment dept. Mountainville, New York.Edition:Publication info: N.Y, [18Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Great Britain. Board of Agriculture.Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by B. McMillan, 1816Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of SouthamptonSubjects:BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
By: Barclay, (Robert) CaptainEdition:Publication info: Edinburgh [etc.], W. Blackwood & sons, 1842Volume: copy 1Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Peter Lawson & Son.Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1836Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of SouthamptonSubjects:BHL Collections: Perkins Agricultural Library
By: Colman, Henry,Edition:Publication info: Boston, A. D. Phelps, 1848Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Emmons, Ebenezer,Edition:Publication info: Albany, Printed by C. Van Benthuysen & Co, 1846-54Volume: Div.5:v.5 (1854)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Emmons, Ebenezer,Edition:Publication info: Albany, C. Van Benthuysen & co, 1846-54Volume: v.3Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Emmons, Ebenezer,Edition:Publication info: Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1846-54Volume: v.1Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Niles, H. (Hezekiah),Edition:Publication info: n.p, 1827?Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Colman, Henry, - American Institute of the City of New York.Edition:Publication info: New York, H.A. Chapin, 1841Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Peter Lawson & Son.Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh: Thomas Cadell, 141 Strand, London; and W. Curry Jun. & Co., Dublin, 1836Volume:Series:Holding Institution: NCSU LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Nisard, D. (Désiré), - Cato, Marcus Porcius, - Varro, Marcus Terentius - Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus. - Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus.Edition:Publication info: Paris, J.J. Dubochet, 1844Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Trinius, Carl Bernhard,Edition:Publication info: Petropoli, Typis Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum, 1840-41Volume: 1840-41.Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Raddi, Giuseppe, - Nerici, G.,Edition:Publication info: [s.l, s.n.], 1823Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb LudwigEdition:Publication info: Leipzig : Bei Friedrich Hofmeister, 1834-1836Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Desmazières, J. B. H. J. (Jean Baptiste Henri Joseph),Edition:Publication info: A Lille : Chez Vanackere, libraire, Grande-place, 1812Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Desmazières, J. B. H. J. (Jean Baptiste Henri Joseph), - Vanackère, Nicolas-Joseph-Désiré, - Dumortier, Veuve,Edition:Publication info: A Lille, Chez Vanackere, 1812Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. (Christian Gottfried), - Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von,Edition:Publication info: Stuttgartiae et Tubingae, sumptibus J. G. Cottae, 1829Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gaudin, Jean, - Paschoud, J. J. (Jean Jacques),Edition:Publication info: Parisiis, Apud J.J. Paschoud, 1811Volume: t.2 (1811)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gaudin, Jean,Edition:Publication info: Parisiis : Apud J. J. Paschoud, Bibliopolam, Via dicta Augustinorum-Minorum, n.º 3 ; Genevae : Ex typis J. J. Paschoud, 1811Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gaudin, Jean,Edition:Publication info: Parisiis : Apud J. J. Paschoud, Bibliopolam, Via dicta Augustinorum-Minorum, n.º 3 ; Genevae : Ex typis J. J. Paschoud, 1811Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gregory, Olinthus,Edition:Publication info: London, W. Ball, 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson),Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Steenstra Toussaint, A. J. D.Edition:Publication info: Lugduni Batavorum, Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, 1835Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Hopkins, Albert,Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By:Edition:Publication info: S.l, s.n, 18--?Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: S.l, s.n, 18--?Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Webster Family Library of Veterinary MedicineSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bunge, Alexander von,Edition:Publication info: Dorpati, 1847Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Agardh, Jacob Georg,Edition:Publication info: Parisiis : Apud Fortin, Masson et Cie. (Paris.--Imprimerie d'Amédée Saintin, rue Saint-Jacques, 38), 1842Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Agardh, Jacob Georg,Edition:Publication info: Parisiis, Fortin, Massin, 1842Volume: copy 1Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Agardh, C. A. (Carl Adolf),Edition:Publication info: Lundæ, Litteris Berlingianis, 1812-1815Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Meneghini, Giuseppe,Edition:Publication info: Padova : Tipografia di Angelo Sicca, 1842Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Meneghini, Giuseppe,Edition:Publication info: Padova : Tipografia di Angelo Sicca, 1842Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Meneghini, Giuseppe,Edition:Publication info: Padova : Tipografia di Angelo Sicca, 1842Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Meneghini, Giuseppe,Edition:Publication info: Padova : Tipografia di Angelo Sicca, 1843Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Meneghini, Giuseppe,Edition:Publication info: Padova, Angelo Sicca, 1842-[1846]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Naccari, Fortunato Luigi,Edition:Publication info: Bologna, Stamperia Cardinali e Frulli, 1828Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: De Notaris, Giuseppe,Edition:Publication info: Torino, s.n, 1842Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Cuvier, Georges, baron, - Vajda, Péter.Edition:Publication info: Budán A Magyar Királyi Egyetem Betuivel. A M. Acadm. költségein 1841Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Praktische Gartenbau-Gesellschaft im Bayern zu Frauendorf.Edition:Publication info: Passau, F. Pustet,Volume: 2, 1824Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Drechsler, Adolph, - Sachse, Carl Traugott, - Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden.Edition:Publication info: Hamburg, R. Kuntze, 1846-1857Volume: Jahrg.1 (1846)Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Leuckart, F. S. (Friedrich Sigismund),Edition:Publication info: Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1832Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Dietrich, Albert, - Otto, Friedrich,Edition:Publication info: Berlin,Volume: v.1 (1833)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Perty, Maximilian,Edition:Publication info: Bern, C. Fischer, 1837-1846Volume: Bd.1 (1837)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Oken, Lorenz, - Walchner, Friedrich August, - Kull, Conrad, - Schleich, Adrian, - Löffler, C., - Mayer, Carl, - Rees, I., - Schillinger, St., - Schach, Carl - Soltükow, Th. - Oken, Lorenz, - Oken, Lorenz, - C. Hoffmann'Sche Verlagshandlung - C. Susemihl & SohnEdition:Publication info: Stuttgart Hoffman'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung 1833-1843Volume: Bd.1 (1839)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: Weimar, im Verlage des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs,Volume: v.8 (1811)Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bayerische Akademie der WissenschaftenEdition:Publication info: München, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften,Volume: 1878-1890Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Rennie, James,Edition:Publication info: London, H.G. Bohn, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Rennie, James,Edition: 2. ed. rev.Publication info: London, W. Orr, 1833Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Rennie, James,Edition:Publication info: London, W. Orr, 1832Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Rennie, James,Edition:Publication info: London, William Orr, 1833Volume: copy 1Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: New York, Wiley & Putnam, 1847Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Public LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Rafinesque, C. S. (Constantine Samuel),Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, s.n, 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library SystemSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Bennett, Alva.Edition:Publication info:Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: John Torrey Papers
By: Herbert, William,Edition:Publication info: London, J. Ridgway and Sons, 1837Volume:Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Lagasca y Segura, MarianoEdition:Publication info: Impreso en Orihuela : En la Imprenta de la Muy Ilustre Junta, 1811Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Lagasca y Segura, MarianoEdition:Publication info: Madrid : Por Ibarra, Impresor de cámara de S. M, 1821Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico de MadridSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: Springfield, Mass. [etc.], Orange Judd Co., Publishers [etc.],Volume: v.1 (1842)Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: New York, Orange Judd,Volume: v.162 (1965)Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: Springfield, Mass, Orange Judd Co, 1842Volume: v.22 (1863)Series:Holding Institution: Pennsylvania Horticultural SocietySubjects:BHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
By: Brown, John J.Edition:Publication info: New York, Burgess, Stringer, [1845]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Brown, John J.Edition: 3d ed., rev., cor., and greatly improvedPublication info: New York, H. Long & Brother, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library SystemSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Miner, T. B.Edition:Publication info: New York, C. M. Saxton, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Miner, T. B. (Thomas B.),Edition:Publication info: New York, C.M. Saxton, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library SystemSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Mann, James.Edition:Publication info: Boston, The author, and sold by Little and Brown [etc.], 1848Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Mann, James.Edition:Publication info: Boston, The author, and sold by Little and Brown [etc.], 1848Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Mann, James.Edition:Publication info: Boston, The author, and sold by Little and Brown [etc.], 1848Volume:Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Say, Thomas, - Conrad, T. A. (Timothy Abbott), - Say, Lucy Way Sistare,Edition:Publication info: New Harmony, Ind, Printed at the School Press, 1830-[38?]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
By: Say, Thomas, - Peale, Titian Ramsay, - Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, - Wood, W. W., - Bridport, Hugh, - Lang, George S., - Longacre, James Barton, - Tiebout, Cornelius, - Hay, William Perry,Edition:Publication info: [Philadelphia], Published by Samuel Augustus Mitchell, for sale by Anthony Finley, corner of Fourth and Chesnut St., William Brown, printer, 1824-1828Volume: v.1 (1824)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Say, Thomas, - Bridport, Hugh, - Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, - Longacre, James Barton, - Kneass, Young & Co.,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Published by Mitchell and Ames, W. Brown, printer, Prune Street, 1817Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Say, Thomas,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum, S.A. Mitchell, 1824-28Volume: v.3Series:Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library SystemSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Say, Thomas,Edition:Publication info: [Philadelphia], S. A. Mitchell, for sale by A. Finley, 1824-28Volume: 1Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By:Edition:Publication info: Baltimore, Md, Samuel Sands & Son,Volume:Series:Holding Institution: NCSU LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Johnson, Cuthbert W. (Cuthbert William), - Emerson, G. (Gouverneur),Edition: 3rd ed.Publication info: Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, 1844Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of British Columbia LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wiggins, Francis S.,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Orrin Rogers, 67 South Second Street, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: NCSU LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wiggins, Francis S.,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Orrin Rogers, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Penn State UniversitySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Wiggins, Francis S.,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, O. Rogers, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Barnum, H. L.Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Uriah Hunt, 1832Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Penn State UniversitySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Eley, James Norman.Edition:Publication info: Hartford, Printed by E. Geer, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sayers, EdwardEdition:Publication info: New York, G. C. Thorburn, 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sayers, EdwardEdition:Publication info: Boston, J. Breck, 1838Volume:Series:Holding Institution: NCSU LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sayers, EdwardEdition: 3d ed., rev. and enl.Publication info: Cincinnati, J. A. James, 1846Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Buist, Robert,Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, 1841Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Buist, Robert, - Hibbert and Buist (Firm)Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, E.L. Carey & A. Hart, 1834Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Buist, Robert, - Hibbert and Buist (Firm)Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Printed for the authors by Adam Waldie, 1832Volume:Series:Holding Institution: NCSU LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Buist, Robert, - Hibbert and Buist (Firm)Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, A. Waldie, 1832Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Buist, Robert,Edition: 3d. ed., with numerous additions.Publication info: Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, 1845Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Lilly, Lambert,Edition:Publication info: New York, Harper, 1834Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Multiple institutionsSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Cole, S. W. (Samuel W.),Edition:Publication info: Boston, J.P. Jewett, 1849Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sayers, EdwardEdition:Publication info: 1839Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Sayers, EdwardEdition:Publication info: Boston, Weeks, Jordan and Co, 1839Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Cobbett, William,Edition:Publication info: Claremont, N. H. Manufacturing company, Simeon Ide, Ag't, [1819]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Olney, Stephen T. (Stephen Thayer),Type: ListIn: Stephen Thayer Olney field notebooksVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1847-1848Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Montagne, Jean François Camille,Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 9Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 1--10Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Taylor, WilliamType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 7Series:Issue: 77Date: 1838Page Range: 371--414Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Gray, John Edward,Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of LondonVolume: 12Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range: 72--83Publication Info: London Academic Press, [etc.] 1833-1965Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Annals of natural historyVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1840Page Range: 337--337Publication Info: London, R. and J.E. Taylor,Subjects:
By: Gray, John Edward,Type: ArticleIn: Annals of PhilosophyVolume: n.s. v. 9 (1825)Series:Issue:Date: 1825Page Range: 134-140, 407-415Publication Info: London,Subjects:
By: Gray, John Edward,Type: ArticleIn: Annals of PhilosophyVolume: n.s. v. 10 (1825)Series:Issue:Date: 1825Page Range: 97-107Publication Info: London,Subjects:
By: Gray, John Edward,Type: ArticleIn: Annals of PhilosophyVolume: n.s. v. 10 (1825)Series:Issue:Date: 1825Page Range: 193-217Publication Info: London,Subjects:
By: Hodgson, Brian HaughtonType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 18Series:Issue: IDate: 1849Page Range: 350--359Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: De Notaris, Giuseppe,Type: ArticleIn: Memorie della Reale accademia delle scienze di TorinoVolume: ser.2:t.10 (1849)Series: 2Issue:Date: 1849Page Range: 351-354Publication Info: Torino, Stamperia reale, 1818-1942Subjects:
By: Cunningham, AlexanderType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 10Series:Issue: 110Date: 1841Page Range: 105--115Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Amoreux, Pierre Joseph,Type: ArticleIn: Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de ParisVolume: t.1 (1822)Series:Issue:Date: 1822-1828Page Range: 683-694Publication Info: Paris, Au Secrétariat de la Société, 1822-1828Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 17Series:Issue: CXCVIDate: 1805-12Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Fenzl, Eduard,Type: ArticleIn: Annalen des Wiener Museums der NaturgeschichteVolume: Bd.1 (1836)Series:Issue:Date: 1836Page Range: 33-68, pl. 5-7Publication Info: Wien, Rohrmann und Schweigerd, 1836-1840Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 4Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 3Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 3Date: 1838-04Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Torrey, John,Type: ArticleIn: Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New YorkVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1828Page Range: 161-254Publication Info: New-York, 1824-1876Subjects:
By: Shortrede, RobertType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 12Series:Issue: 135Date: 1843Page Range: 235--236Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Forster, Thomas Furly,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1807Page Range: 323--324Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Bowman, J. E. (John Eddowes),Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 16Series:Issue:Date: 1830Page Range: 151--154Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Douglas, David,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 15Series:Issue:Date: 1826Page Range: 497--500Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Harwood, JohnType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: v.15 (1827)Series:Issue:Date: 1827Page Range: 471--478Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Sibson, EdmundType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 7Series: 2Issue:Date: 1846Page Range: 528--558Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Salisbury, R. A. (Richard Anthony),Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1807Page Range: 286--290Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Blackwall, John,Type: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 5Series: 2Issue:Date: 1831Page Range: 140--142Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Smethurst, R.Type: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 3Series: 2Issue:Date: 1819Page Range: 176--178Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Blackwall, John,Type: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 5Series: 2Issue:Date: 1831Page Range: 135--139Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Phayre, Arthur PurvesType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 10Series:Issue: 117Date: 1841Page Range: 679--712Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Abbott, JamesType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 14Series:Issue: 166Date: 1845Page Range: 756--758Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Hay, CaptainType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 9Series:Issue: 97Date: 1840Page Range: 68--69Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Scott, RobertType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1807Page Range: 262--263Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Falconer, Hugh,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 20Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range: 293--296Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Henry, Thomas,Type: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 2Series: 2Issue:Date: 1813Page Range: 259--269Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Hadfield, WilliamType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 5Series: 2Issue:Date: 1831Page Range: 201--207Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Hadfield, WilliamType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 6Series: 2Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 158--170Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Sharpe, JohnType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 2Series: 2Issue:Date: 1813Page Range: 1--14Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Hadfield, WilliamType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 6Series: 2Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 10--18Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Thompson, John Vaughan,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 9Series:Issue:Date: 1808Page Range: 200--203Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Guilding, Lansdown,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 14Series:Issue:Date: 1824Page Range: 334--338Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Lucas, SamuelType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 3Series: 2Issue:Date: 1819Page Range: 271--274Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Maton, William George, - Rackett, ThomasType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1807Page Range: 270--275Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Say, Thomas,Type: ArticleIn: Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1821Page Range: 59--65Publication Info: Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1817-1918Subjects:
By: Otley, JonathanType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 3Series: 2Issue:Date: 1819Page Range: 168--175Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Smith, James EdwardType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1807Page Range: 276--278Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Say, Thomas,Type: ArticleIn: Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaVolume: 1Series:Issue: 2Date: 1818Page Range: 235--253Publication Info: Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1817-1918Subjects:
By: Say, Thomas,Type: ArticleIn: Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1818Page Range: 313--319Publication Info: Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1817-1918Subjects:
By: Leech, RobertType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 14Series:Issue: 162Date: 1845Page Range: 445--470Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Lekch, RobertType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 14Series:Issue: 160Date: 1845Page Range: 306--328Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Alee, Shekh KhashType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 14Series:Issue: 166Date: 1845Page Range: 736--746Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Otley, JonathanType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 3Series: 2Issue:Date: 1819Page Range: 64--69Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Hardwicke, Thomas,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 9Series:Issue:Date: 1808Page Range: 115--116Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Jack, William - Colebrooke, Henry ThomasType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 14Series:Issue:Date: 1823Page Range: 114--130Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Montagu, George,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 9Series:Issue:Date: 1808Page Range: 162--173Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Stutchbury, SamuelType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 16Series:Issue:Date: 1833Page Range: 493--498Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Sibson, EdmundType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 7Series: 2Issue:Date: 1846Page Range: 325--347Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Khan, RajahType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 14Series:Issue: 167Date: 1845Page Range: 812--817Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Elliot, WalterType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Entomological Society of LondonVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1838Page Range: 14--18Publication Info: London, The Society,Subjects:
By: Fleming, ThomasType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 5Series: 2Issue:Date: 1831Page Range: 243--253Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Roxburgh, WilliamType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1804Page Range: 33--48Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Lerch, Robert ? Lekch??Type: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 14Series:Issue: 165Date: 1845Page Range: 660--701Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 11Series:Issue: CXXVDate: 1800-01Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Babington, Charles Cardale,Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 19Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range: 137--138Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 17Series:Issue: CCIVDate: 1806-08Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Loew, H. (Hermann),Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1845Page Range: 290--292Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1807Page Range: 356--357Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Gray, John Edward,Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 1Series: 2Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: 246--246Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Thompson, William,Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 17Series:Issue:Date: 1846Page Range: 69--70Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 16Series:Issue:Date: 1833Page Range: 739--745Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Don, David,Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 17Series:Issue:Date: 1834Page Range: 145--147Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Westwood, J. O. (John Obadiah),Type: ArticleIn: Magazine of natural history and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and meteorologyVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1833Page Range: 409--413Publication Info: London, printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1829-1837Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 16Series:Issue:Date: 1830Page Range: 297--303Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 16Series:Issue:Date: 1830Page Range: 391--392Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: New England Botanical Club. - Robbins, James Watson,Type: ListIn: Plant lists from the New England Botanical ClubVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1827-1829Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Hodgson, Brian HaughtonType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1837Page Range: 770--781Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By:Type: CorrespondenceIn: Asa and Jane Gray travel correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1838-1869Page Range:Publication Info: [1838-1869]Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledgeVolume: 1Series:Issue: 12Date: 1840Page Range: 234--234Publication Info: Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society,Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledgeVolume: 4Series:Issue: 28Date: 1843Page Range: 17--18Publication Info: Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society,Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 13Series:Issue: CLIIIDate: 1802-05Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 17Series:Issue: CXCVIIIDate: 1806-02Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 3Series: 2Issue:Date: 1849Page Range: 315--317Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 13Series:Issue: CLIIDate: 1802-04Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 13Series:Issue: CLVIDate: 1802-08Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLVIIIDate: 1802-10Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Agassiz, Alexander,Type: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1837-1894Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Agassiz, Louis,Type: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1837-1894Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Agassiz, Louis,Type: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1837-1894Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 12Series:Issue: CXXXVIIIDate: 1801-02Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Ratzeburg, Julius Theodor Christian,Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1844Page Range: 9--14Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 13Series:Issue: CLIVDate: 1802-06Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Babington, Charles Cardale,Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 17Series:Issue:Date: 1846Page Range: 210--210Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 13Series:Issue: CXLIXDate: 1802-01Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: A century of birds from the Himalaya MountainsVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1831Page Range: --Publication Info: London, 1831Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 15Series:Issue:Date: 1845Page Range: 189--190Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Olney, Stephen T. (Stephen Thayer),Type: ListIn: Stephen Thayer Olney field notebooksVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Holbrook, John Edwards,Type: ArticleIn: North American herpetology; or, A description of the reptiles inhabiting the United StatesVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 53--66Publication Info: Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1842Subjects:
By: Linné, Carl von, - Wallich, N. (Nathaniel),Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: 5-12Publication Info: London, Published for the Linnean Society of London by Academic Press [etc.], 1848-1968Subjects:
By: Beatson, Alexander,Type: ArticleIn: Tracts relative to the island of St. Helena; written during a residence of five yearsVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1816Page Range: 295-326Publication Info: London, Printed by W. Bulmer and co, 1816Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The Birds of EuropeVolume: 2Series: InsessoresIssue:Date: 1837Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed by R. and J.E. Taylor, pub. by the author, 1837Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The Birds of EuropeVolume: 3Series: InsessoresIssue:Date: 1837Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed by R. and J.E. Taylor, pub. by the author, 1837Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The Birds of EuropeVolume: 3Series: InsessoresIssue:Date: 1837Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed by R. and J.E. Taylor, pub. by the author, 1837Subjects:
By: Babington, Charles Cardale,Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 14Series:Issue:Date: 1844Page Range: 309--310Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Alvord, Benjamin,Type: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1849-08-24Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 1Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 2Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 1Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 1Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Holbrook, John Edwards,Type: ArticleIn: North American herpetology; or, A description of the reptiles inhabiting the United StatesVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 109--115Publication Info: Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1842Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 443--457Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 24--30Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 94--99Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 138--144Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 87--94Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The Birds of EuropeVolume: 3Series: InsessoresIssue:Date: 1837Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed by R. and J.E. Taylor, pub. by the author, 1837Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1841Page Range: 182--186Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 169--177Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1841Page Range: 165--167Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 203--206Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1841Page Range: 129--132Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 281--287Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 12Series:Issue: CXLDate: 1801-04Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 236--242Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1841Page Range: 40--43Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 119--121Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1840Page Range: 240--242Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 218--223Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1841Page Range: 14--21Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 343--346Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1840Page Range: 90--94Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 226--235Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 15Series:Issue: CLXXVIDate: 1804-04Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1844Page Range: 20--32Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 259--266Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1843Page Range: 15--23Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By: StandfussType: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range: 62--63Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 12Series:Issue: CXXXVIIIDate: 1801-02Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 15Series:Issue: CLXXIDate: 1803-11Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Holbrook, John Edwards,Type: ArticleIn: North American herpetology; or, A description of the reptiles inhabiting the United StatesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 89--92Publication Info: Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1842Subjects:
By: Holbrook, John Edwards,Type: ArticleIn: North American herpetology; or, A description of the reptiles inhabiting the United StatesVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 93--93Publication Info: Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1842Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 16Series:Issue: CLXXXIVDate: 1804-12Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gray, John Edward,Type: ArticleIn: Annals of PhilosophyVolume: n.s. v. 10 (1825)Series:Issue:Date: 1825Page Range: 423-431Publication Info: London,Subjects:
By: Ure, Andrew,Type: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 12Series:Issue: 135Date: 1843Page Range: 236--239Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Ransome, ThomasType: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 8Series: 2Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: 399--401Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 24Series:Issue: CCLXXXIDate: 1813-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Mac-Leay, William SharpType: ArticleIn: Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonVolume: 14Series:Issue:Date: 1825Page Range: 527--555Publication Info: London, [The Society], 1791-1875,Subjects:
By: Owen, Richard,Type: ArticleIn: Archiv für NaturgeschichteVolume: 5Series:Issue: 1Date: 1839Page Range: 364--372Publication Info: Berlin, Nicolai, 1835-Subjects:
By: Owen, Richard,Type: ArticleIn: Archiv für NaturgeschichteVolume: 5Series:Issue: 1Date: 1839Page Range: 85--90Publication Info: Berlin, Nicolai, 1835-Subjects:
By: Rapp, Wilhelm Ludwig von,Type: ArticleIn: Archiv für NaturgeschichteVolume: 9Series:Issue: 1Date: 1843Page Range: 43--54Publication Info: Berlin, Nicolai, 1835-Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 17Series:Issue: CXCIVDate: 1805-10Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 19Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range: 400--401Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The Birds of EuropeVolume: 4Series: RasoresIssue:Date: 1837Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed by R. and J.E. Taylor, pub. by the author, 1837Subjects:
By: Anderson, RufusType: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1837-12-05Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Anderson, RufusType: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1837-02-01Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Andrews, William Edward,Type: CorrespondenceIn: Asa Gray correspondenceVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1837-1894Page Range:Publication Info:Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 15Series:Issue: CLXXXDate: 1804-08Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLXIVDate: 1803-04Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Annals of natural historyVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1839Page Range: 480--481Publication Info: London, R. and J.E. Taylor,Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLXVIDate: 1803-06Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Audubon, John James,Type: ArticleIn: The birds of America : from drawings made in the United States and their territoriesVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 188--189Publication Info: New York, J.B. Chevalier, 1840-1844Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 14Series:Issue:Date: 1844Page Range: 129--130Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLXIIIDate: 1803-03Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1841Page Range: 137--138Publication Info: Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,Subjects:
By: Holbrook, John Edwards,Type: ArticleIn: North American herpetology; or, A description of the reptiles inhabiting the United StatesVolume: 2Series:Issue:Date: 1842Page Range: 67--72Publication Info: Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1842Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Hornung, Ernst GottfriedType: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1840Page Range: 162--165Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: A century of birds from the Himalaya MountainsVolume:Series:Issue:Date: 1831Page Range: --Publication Info: London, 1831Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLXDate: 1802-12Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 13Series:Issue: CLDate: 1802-02Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 1Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 1Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, John - Gould, ElizabethType: ArticleIn: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islandsVolume:Series:Issue: 1Date: 1837-01Page Range: --Publication Info: London Published by the author 1837-38Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 3Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLXIVDate: 1803-04Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Mochul'skiĭ, Viktor Ivanovich,Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 8Series:Issue:Date: 1847Page Range: 102--114Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Siebold, C. Th. E. von (Carl Theodor Ernst),Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1844Page Range: 131--132Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Mochul'skiĭ, Viktor Ivanovich,Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 7Series:Issue:Date: 1846Page Range: 265--266Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Siebold, C. Th. E. von (Carl Theodor Ernst),Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1844Page Range: 35--36Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Schmidt, Wilhelm Ludwig Ewald,Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1840Page Range: 130--133Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 14Series:Issue: CLXDate: 1802-12Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 16Series:Issue: CLXXXIDate: 1804-09Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By: Schmidt, Wilhelm Ludwig Ewald,Type: ArticleIn: Entomologische ZeitungVolume: 1Series:Issue:Date: 1840Page Range: 63--64Publication Info: [Stettin Entomologischer Verein zu Stettin 1840-1911]Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geologyVolume: 17Series:Issue:Date: 1846Page Range: 498--499Publication Info: London Taylor and Francis, LtdSubjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 17Series:Issue: CXCVIDate: 1805-12Page Range:Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledgeVolume: 3Series:Issue: 27Date: 1843Page Range: 213--218Publication Info: Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society,Subjects:
By: Blyth, Edward,Type: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 13Series:Issue: 1Date: 1844Page Range: 361--395Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Dalton, John,Type: ArticleIn: Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of ManchesterVolume: 4Series: 2Issue:Date: 1824Page Range: 363--372Publication Info: Manchester, The Society, 1785-1879Subjects:
By: Secretary, TheType: ArticleIn: The journal of the Asiatic Society of BengalVolume: 9Series:Issue: 101Date: 1840Page Range: 543--544Publication Info: Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1832-1936Subjects:
By: Spence, William,Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of LondonVolume: 1849Series:Issue:Date: 1849Page Range: 61--63Publication Info: London Academic Press, [etc.] 1833-1965Subjects:
By:Type: ArticleIn: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaVolume: 4Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: 35--36Publication Info: Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 5Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Gould, JohnType: ArticleIn: The birds of AustraliaVolume: 6Series:Issue:Date: 1848Page Range: --Publication Info: London Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor; pub. by the author [1840]-48Subjects:
By: Shaw, GeorgeType: ArticleIn: The Naturalist's MiscellanyVolume: 24Series:Issue: CCLXXXVIDate: 1813-06Page Range: --Publication Info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Subjects: